
  • Yamagata Y., Maruyama H. (Edit.): (2016) Urban Economics Model for Land-Use Planning, Urban Resilience; A Transformative Approach, Springer, 25-43.
  • Sharifi A., Yamagata Y.: (2016) Urban Resilience Assesment: Multiple Dimensions, Criteria, and  Indicators, Urban Resilience, Part of the series Advanced Sciences and Technoligies for Security Applications, 259-276.
  • Masys A j., (Editor of chief), Bichler G., Bourlai T., Johnson C., Karampelas P., Leprecht C., Morse E C., Skillicorn D., Yamagata Y. (Series Editors): (2016) Advanced Sciences and Technolories for Security Applications, Springer.

  • Peregon A., Kosykh N P., Mironycheva-Tokareva N P., Ciais P., Yamagata Y.,(Mueller L., Sheudshen A K., Eulenstein F.(Edited.)): (2016) CHAPTER8 Estimation of Biomass and Net Primary Production(NPP) in West Siberian Boreal Ecosystems: In Situ and Remote Sensing Methods , NOVEL METHODS FOR MONITORING AND MANAGING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES IN SIBERIA, Springer, 233-252.

  • Nakamichi K., Yamagata Y., Seya H., (Li, Jonathan, Yang, Xiaojun (Edited.)): (2015) CHAPTER12 An Integrated Model for Assessing Carbon Dioxide Emissions Considering Climate Change Mitigation and Flood Risk Adaptation Interaction , MONITORING AND MODELING OF GLOBAL CHANGES: A GEOMATICS PERSPECTIVE, Springer.

  • Yamagata Y., Murakami D., Seya H., (Thenkabail P S. (Edited.)): (2015) Latest High – Resolution Remote Sensing and Visibility Analysis for Smart Environment Design, REMOTE SENSING OF WATER RESOURCES, DISASTERS AND URBAN STUDIES, CRC Press, 599-612.

  • Bagan H., Yamagata Y.,(Thenkabail P S.(Edited.)): (2015) Urban Growth Mapping of Mega Cities: Multisensor Approach , REMOTE SENSING OF WATER RESOURCES, DISASTERS AND URBAN STUDIES, CRC Press, 581-598.

  • Bagan H., Yamagata Y.: (2013) Book chapter “Urban growth mapping of mega cities: multi-sensor approach” in Book “Remote Sensing Handbook, Vol. III,” Editor-in-Chief: Prasad S. Thenkabail; Publisher: Taylor and Francis.

  • Yamagata, Y. (2012b). Towards climate risk resilient cities: spatially explicit land-use scenarios CLIMATE EXCHANGE (pp. 212-213): Tufor Rose.
  • Yamagata, Y. (2012a). Sustainability research using spatially explicit land-use change scenarios FUTURE PERFECT (pp. 66-68): Tudor Rose.
  • Yamagata, Y., Kraxner, F., & Aoki, K. (2011). Forest biomass for regional energy supply in Austria Designing Our Future: Local Perspectives on Bioproduction, Ecosystems and Humanity (pp. 220-233): United Nations University Press.
  • Yamagata, Y., Bagan, H., Ito, A., & Adachi, M. (2011). Development study of the forest carbon monitoring sysytem using remote sensing FORESTS FOR PEOPLE (pp. 312): Tudor Rose.
  • 山形与志樹, 2008. 植林による温暖化対策・森林減少の防止による温暖化対策. 成山堂書店.
  • 山形与志樹, 2008. 森林などの二酸化炭素吸収源に関する温暖化対策. 北海道大学.
  • 山形与志樹, 2006. 陸域生態系の炭素吸収源機能評価 -京都議定書の第2約束期間以降における検討にむけて. 独立行政法人国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センター.
  • Mizuta, H., Yamagata, Y., 2005. International Emissions Trading with Agent-Based Simulation and Web-Based Gaming. ICM Milinnium Lectures on Games.
  • Apps, M., Chedin, A., Chen, C.-T.A., Cox, P., Dickinson, R., R.M, D.E., Field, C., R. Lankao, P., Lebel, L., Patwardhan, A., Raupach, M., Rhein, M., Sabine, C., Valentini, R., Yamagata, Y., Young, O., 2003. Global Carbon Project (2003) Science Framework and Implementation Canberra.
  • 山形与志樹, 石井敦, 2002. 京都議定書の国際制度. 信山社.
  • Mizuta, H., Yamagata, Y., 2002. International Emissions Trading with Agent-Based Simulation and Web-Based Gaming. Qingdao Publishing House.
  • Mizuta, H., Yamagata, Y., 2002. Agent-based Simulation and Gaming System for International Emissions Trading. IOS Press.
  • Yamagata, Y., Alexandrov, G., 2001. Global Potential of Carbon Sinks under the Kyoto Protocol.
  • Yasuoka, Y., Tamura, M., Yamagata, Y., 1994. Application of remote sensing to environmental monitoring -global wetland monitoring. Elsevier Science.
  • Yamagata, Y., Furuya, N., 1991. Application of Remote Sensing for Resources Monitoring and Vegetation Mapping, Tokai Univ.